Friday, April 19, 2013

Composition of the diet of a good food

For the human body works well, it should be fed a good balance of vitamins and nutrients. There are three primary macronutrients which we consume namely protein, fat, and carbohydrates. Without it, our body will not be able to function properly. Since we can not synthesize vitamins in sufficient quantities, they must be obtained from dietary sources. We also have several minerals for our body to function properly. Calcium and phosphorus, for example, in addition to being important in strengthening and lengthening your bones need your heart to pump effectively. Salt, but add flavor to your dishes, contain sodium and chlorine that helps maintain fluid balance and the production of digestive juices, respectively.

Mineral salts are ionic in nature, they help regulate the pH levels in the blood and body. Maintaining proper pH levels is essential for the proper functioning of the body, a balanced mineral elements necessary to ensure that the supply of natural pH balance is maintained. There are also minerals that you need in lesser amounts such as iron, iodine and zinc. Although trace levels are required, many evils come from not being able to respond to the extension of the Recommended Dietary Allowance. You can get both macro minerals and trace elements from food sources. If your diet is deficient is essential nutrients, taking dietary supplements on a regular basis is recommended.

Beside mineral nutrients the body needs water, you need to keep your body hydrated. 6 to 8 glasses of water a day is more than enough for the average person, if you have an active lifestyle, your requirement will be higher. Take adequate amounts of fluids is essential for growth and maintenance of your body. It is also important in the elimination of unnecessary and harmful substances from your system. Alkaline water, so called because of its slightly alkaline pH is believed to benefit the body by reducing the acidity of the blood.

This trend is due to the awareness of the public about the benefits of alkaline water. The alkaline water additives manufacturers claim that the regular consumption of alkaline water protects against cancer and may even slow aging. Also known as ionized water, preparation of water is rich in minerals and therefore keeps the blood pH to a neutral state. It is believed that certain foods, soft drinks and junk food in particular, can make blood acidity. When it is not neutralized, the blood is too acidic can cause side effects such as lethargy and abnormal heart rhythms.

Yet there are those who do not believe in the benefits of alkaline water also say they are exaggerated. The dispute between believers and non-believers essentially fuels interest in the product. Ultimately, users are the only people who can testify whether or not the works of alkaline water, and the current consensus is that it works.

5 Secret of Successful Weight Loss!

Hello! I begin this article by sharing with you my most intimate secrets. I want to reveal to you that no matter how difficult your weight problem may seem, you can change your life for the better. If I can do it, so can you.

As many know, I was not always as strong and sure of myself, and a lot of insecurity that has to do with my weight. I had a weight problem most of my life and I always will. But now things are different, and they can do for you, too.

Enough of this long intro, at least for now! OK? So lets dive into the first successful habit thick or thin people.

Pattern # 1 successfully. Following a solid framework for diet and exercise.

Let me set the record straight! dietary guidelines and exercise can provide a framework for making these healthy changes, but ultimately it is up to you to design your own rules and come up with your own strategies for healthy living and dieting. It is not expected to take any article or report and begin immediately following the tactics and strategies recommended. Each body is different from each other.

DNA that we are very different, even our blood brothers and sister. Why you should follow exactly what people tell you. Even the tips below. It is best to use your own body to investigate the actions and reactions of guidelines and applied. Fair enough?

Success Habits # 2. Joining a "diet low in fat low in calories and exercise regularly

Let me clue you in on an undisputed statement. In the largest study of successful dieters to date researchers have found that sticking with a low-fat 'low-calorie diet and regular exercise helped participants throw away and at least 30 pounds. Sounds impossible? But I do believe it's true. You can bet your eyeball it.

Also, do you have that, or it is rubbing you the wrong way? Just be patient and keep reading. Its worth your few minutes of your valuable time. Then move on to number three secrets too. OK?

Success Habits No.3. Learn and adapt to better therapies regime

OK, I know you're probably shaking his head after reading success habits number three. But rest assured that you are about to read is not rocket science materials. It is simple and clear. That's it!

Rest assured that successful dieters are not afraid to make quite different from the standard things. Just find the tactic that really works for them. And use them when they work for them.

time change if it makes a difference. Remember the old adage, tide and time waits for no man or woman in this case I mean?

Until next time,

Success Habits 4. A strong belief in Quitters Never Win and Winners Never Quit currency.

Hello! Are you ready to ready to be shocked, disappointed and finally refreshed reading this secret achievement that person. 4. Right? So let me get right to it! Make no mistake, along the path of change, failures are inevitable for anyone. But by themselves, they are not necessarily the reverse, all depends on how you handle them.

Remember the story of weight loss is not a matter of luck. We must live in our bodies every day of our lives, minutes, days, weeks, months and years. How our mind adapts to failures will largely determine the state of our inherited body. Agreement?

Correct me if I'm wrong. But what you are about to read may be shocking to you. If you're ready to see what is next, then go ahead and continue to read, but hang in there first!

Success Habits 5. Gradually overcome unhealthy lifestyles

No matter how you argue or try to justify this habits number 5, common sense dedicates this evidence. Change unpleasant habits has six predictable stages, the researchers found. If you can identify the stage where you are, you can take steps to help you follow.

In case you do not know the six steps can quickly recall. The first step. Knowing exactly the problem that causes unhealthy lifestyle. Step 2. Find alternatives to solve the problem. Step 3. Choose the best solution to solve the problem. Step 4. Set the start and end of work on this problem step 5. Low to solve the problem and step 6. Finally, monitoring and review if there is a need. Simple enough?

To summarize, allows recap! First take a solid framework for diet and exercise. Second, adhere to a "diet low in fat and low in practice inside or outdoor sports calories regularly. Thirdly continue to discover and adapt to better therapies regime Fourth, have a strong belief in Quitters never win and Winners Never Quit currency. Finally take concerted efforts to gradually overcome unhealthy lifestyles.

In closing, let me add to these facts! This article has given you this weight loss information. He gave you the reason and the facts and the best advice we can give, the rest is up to you. Health is wealth is really more than financial, and whatever you choose, we wish you good luck in your continued a slimmer and healthier body. Goodbye and happy weight loss efforts.

How much weight do you really need to lose?

May be you've been working on a return to the weight that you were in high school or your wedding day. But do you really need to go so low? Or can you weigh more than your ideal weight and still be healthy?

If you are overweight, losing just 10% of your body weight is linked to many health benefits, including blood pressure, blood cholesterol and blood sugar and reduce your risk of heart disease. This type of weight loss is easier to achieve and maintain long-term.

Your weight "Set Point"

Just as your body temperature is programmed to stay around 98.6 degrees, the weight of your body is naturally regulated to stay within a range of 10% to 20%, says Thomas Wadden, PhD, director of the Center for Weight and eating disorders at the University of Pennsylvania Medical School. The weight range is known as the "point".

A complex set of hormones, chemicals and hunger signals help your body to maintain your weight in this range, says dietitian Dawn Jackson Blatner, RD.

This is not just about your genes. Your eating habits and exercise can also help determine your position.

"Marais internal control system and thus push the point increases - which is much easier to do than down," says Wadden body adjusts to the higher weight. "Calls" the point of ready to defend the new weight .

It is still possible to set your lower range. "With the changes in exercise habits and a healthy diet, you can reduce your position," said Labbe.

The solution to weight loss of 10%

Lose 10% of your body weight and keep it for six months to a year, allows your body to reset your point pointing George Blackburn, MD, in his book, punch your Set Point: How to lose the last weight you want and Keep It Off.

When you lose a lot of weight at the same time, you define an internal and hormones peak struggle to make you hungrier as your body tries to defend its comfortable range, said Wadden.

This is why experts recommend losing 10% by changing your eating and exercise habits, and then maintain your new weight for a few months before trying to lose more. Your body will get the signal to lower its "set point" and you'll get used to new food choices, smaller portions, and regular exercise.

Labbe said she has seen people lose 10% of their weight "begin to realize how the loss of the health consequences of weight in a very positive way ... They feel better, sleep better, have more energy and less joint pain, and some people are able to reduce the medication. "

How much should I weigh?

Most people overestimate how much weight they can lose, which leads to frustration, Labbe said. To find your happy or healthy weight, Blatner suggests looking back at your history of weight in adulthood and the identification of a weight that you were able to maintain easily.

The top four reasons diets fail

diets fail
Although weight loss is one of the most popular New
Year's resolutions, and in fact, about two-thirds of all people in the U.S. are on a diet at any given time, the vast majority of diets fail to provide significant or prolonged loss of weight.

"Losing weight is one of the best resolutions each year, but only 20 percent of people are a successful weight loss and maintenance," said Jessica Bartfield, a doctor who specializes in weight management and nutrition at Loyola Center for Metabolic Bariatric surgery care.

According Bartfield, research suggests that most diets fail because people do not recognize that dieting is a skill that requires both sound technical and practical to work effectively.

"Just like riding a bike," she said, "... you'll fall and feel frustrated, but eventually you will succeed and it will be easier."

The main obstacles to successful dieting can be summarized in four reasons, she said:

1. Underestimate the calorie consumption
"Most people (even experts!) Sub-estimate the number of calories they consume per day," said Bartfield.

Keep a food diary in which to record everything you eat, including drinks and small snacks or "tastes" can help create a clear picture of what you eat, Bartfield said. To regulate caloric intake, she suggests using measuring cups and spoons as serving utensils. Given the size of the portions and caloric density tend to be higher in the restaurant eating homemade food, Bartfield suggest looking the nutritional information of your favorite restaurant meals in advance.

2. An overestimation of physical activity
According Bartfield, you must reduce your energy balance by the highest hundreds of calories a day to lose a pound a week. Without reducing food intake, should not exercise vigorously for 60 minutes or more each day. A more realistic goal, it suggests a slight increase in daily activity (such as taking the stairs instead of the elevator), combined with 30 minutes of moderate to vigorous exercise on most days. A device like a pedometer can provide easily measurable goals such as 10,000 steps per day.

3. Spacing bad meal
"You need a steady stream of glucose throughout the day to maintain optimal energy and to prevent metabolism from slowing down," said Bartfield.

Bartfield also offers breakfast at the alarm time, followed by a meal or a healthy snack every three to four hours.

"Try not to go more than 5 hours without eating a healthy snack or meal to keep your metabolism stable."

4. Lack of sleep
Scientific research has shown that getting less than six hours of sleep each night led to high levels of ghrelin, a hormone that stimulates the appetite and can lead to crave foods high in calories. It can also lead to raising levels of cortisol, the stress hormone, which has also been linked to weight gain

Tuesday, April 16, 2013


This is always my first message when someone asks me about the best way to lose weight!

I ask that you live as you normally eat as you normally do ... but focus on your walks!


There comes a time in our healthy journey that we must speed things up a bit ... perhaps go one step further.

Now might be a good time to ask you - you're OUT-eat anything that walks powerful and other activities?

It is so easy to do. And if your goals are weight loss, we'd better - at least - "talk" about ways to keep calories in balance.

Save your energy for exercise is so important for long-term success. In other words, "keep the weight off for good!"

The food is your source of energy.
I want you to know that skipping meals is not the answer to weight loss!

Talking fast break! You can boost weight loss by starting the day with "something" to eat or drink!

OK, if you say you are not a small eater, at least find a way to "break" your "FAST" - your body has fasted for 8 hours or more, if you keep it fast because you "jump" breakfast, the body switches to-the-metabolic slowdown that is the opposite of what you need to lose weight!

Your first meal of the day is essential in the way you eat for the rest of the day. Many studies have shown those who eat breakfast "balanced" are more likely to not overeat the rest of the day. A regular supply of food and water is the plan of the ultimate food for the physical performance - to think clearly, high energy, wit ... perform at high levels throughout the day!

So what stability means?

Do not allow the body more than 3 or 4 hours without food and water. When you wake up after 8 hours of sleep, you have been "fasting" - you need to break the fast (breakfast) or the body turns the button to save energy "slow metabolism" The body does not know. when he gets to the new food so you get a slow metabolism!

diet and rapid weight loss

The 3 day diet touts rapid weight loss, cleansing, cholesterol and more energy.

It is a rigorous plan that must be followed exactly for three days. If you still want to lose more weight, you are supposed to eat normally for at least four or five days before trying again.

The 3 day diet promises up to 10 pounds of weight loss in three days. But most of that weight is likely to be fluid, non-greasy, so the results are not likely to last.

What you can eat

The 3 day diet is very specific about the size of the portions and the food it contains.

The combination of power itself creates proposed single metabolic reaction that stimulates fat burning. But there is no explanation of how this occurs or evidence to support these claims.

The plan also calls for dieters to drink 4 cups of water or drinks without calories per day.

Expert perspectives

You are likely to lose weight on this plan, but it is not likely to last.